It’s time for wide-ranging communication with the iHelp project end-users and gathering their feedback on the usability of the iHelp platform. The DS4 team are pleased to lead on this task and perform the evaluation analysis in collaboration with all pilot partners.
3 weeks after meeting the patients who participated in the Plovdiv trial, the DS4 team conducted another focus group meeting in Plovdiv. This time the usefulness and effectiveness of the iHelp solutions have been discussed face-to-face with the Health Care Professionals who took part in the trial.
Special thanks go to Rosti and to you all for taking time to meet with us and provide most valuable feedback. We appreciate it even more considering that we held the meeting just before the start of the Easter holidays in Bulgaria. Happy Easter to you all!
We know we can rely on your photographic skills Pencho. It’s always a pleasure working with you and your Kodar team 😊