Author: Admin Editor

iHelp 6th Hybrid Consortium Meeting

The above took place in Athens between 24 and 26 May 2022 and our DS4 team attended the sessions virtually. 

At the next meeting we definitely intend to attend and meet the technical partners and the pilots personally.  Just looking at the photos with the views of Acropolis available at we realised what we have missed.

Back to work now as the next Deliverable due in August is beckoning our attention.

Progress with the Team Creator @ EFPF Project

It has now been 4 months after the start of our collaboration with the EFPF project.  In that time we submitted our first deliverables covering our IPR and Exploitation Plans, and also requirements analysis, architecture and scenario definitions regarding the Team Creator module, and the ways in which it will fit within the EFPF platform.  In the first months of 2022 we continue to work on prototype development, system integration and piloting.

One year in the iHelp Project

At the end of the first year of the iHelp project we submitted our first deliverable report which contains proposed functionality of key interfaces of the iHelp system, categorises potential iHelp users and provides further guidelines for the user interface development of the iHelp system.  The mobile interface part of the system aims to attract and retain users in a manner which maximizes the impact of the proposed health interventions.  At the same time the guidelines ensure that the software is developed in alignments with the requirements stipulated in relation to developing medical devices.

In 2022 work continues with further discussions about the functionality of the user interfaces


Working on a new EC project – European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing

We are pleased to announce that we have received cascade funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825075 for developing a TeamCreator module and integrating it into the Industry 4.0 platform of services provided by EFPF.  This will increase the visibility of our products and services through collaborating with cutting-edge companies throughout Europe.


Starting the journey to personalised e-help

We were delighted to meet our partners from across Europe during the iHelp kick-off meeting last week.

DigiSys 4.0 will contribute to developing software which is tuned to the needs of its users – patients, clinicians and health service managers. 
We are to ensure the software produced by iHelp is user-friendly and “sticky”, avoiding the usual loss of interest by users in our health application after a few days.  We will use a combination of user-centred design and personalised nudge messages develop through our collaborative research with University of Manchester.


We just completed an exciting analytics project with one of the biggest on-line reverse logistics companies in Europe

We used advanced data analytics techniques over millions of customer purchase records to analyse consumer behaviour related to on-line returns.  We clustered consumers into different categories depending on their net value to the on-line retailer, the amounts purchased and the percentage of goods returned.  This analysis will help our customer identify fraudulent behaviour and maximise profit for their clients.

If you would like to use our expertise for similar tasks, please contact us.


Workshop on AI in Manufacturing

A workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing, jointly organised by the European Commission, EFFRA, the Big Data Value association and euRobotics took place on 2 July 2019 in Brussels. The aim of the workshop was to provide an insight into how research and innovation projects and European or International activities are already addressing Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing. This event also provided networking opportunities to the participants from research and industrial domains. More at: