RoBétArmé Project – End-Users Workshop – BYCN, Paris – July 2024
The above workshop was held at the BYCN Headquarters in Paris which is a hugely impressive site.
Our hosts suggested that we should arrive early and they gave us a tour around their amazing buildings before we got down to business. They even ordered the perfect weather for us 🌞
We cannot thank enough Bruno, Matthieu, Morgane and Vincent for their wonderful hospitality and attention to detail.
Most of all, they provided a room-full of their colleagues who are specialists in various areas of building and construction including people in charge of planning, choice and maintenance of equipment, choice of materials, choice of technique, quality control, specialising in the areas of tunnels, robotics, research and development.
In addition to our DS4 team who presented a general overview of the RoBétArmé project and system and led the discussions, our partners from DTT, ICE and MORE, presented their latest project work in the areas of Digital Twins, Decision Support System and training requirements respectively.
Thank you BYCN team for providing many valuable comments and suggestions; we will feed those to our project partners to influence the project development. We look forward to working with you again at the next stages of the project 😊